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Although we anticipated a kiss between the two, we were not wholly disappointed when the song was over and the kiss never presented itself, because Maluma added a few flirty moves throughout the dance. To perform with the 'Queen of Pop' was a true come true for the Colombian singer!

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Exactly what you heard - the special effects rocked the show. Using the latest technology, the 3D holographic images were digitized and became a spectacular part of the performance. Clones of Madonnas were projected as well as dozens of dancers and other graphics. According to news outlets, the reported cost neared the $5 million mark! 

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It had been months since this collaboration was announced - a duet between two incredible artists: Madonna and Maluma, whose performance at the 2019 Billboard Music Awards did not disappoint by any means. Dancing to hot Latin beats, the dance moves were sensual, dynamic and left audiences everywhere breathless! The special effects were singular as well.

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