Platinum blonde is quickly becoming one of the season's hottest trends, with stars from Charlize Theron to Jennifer Lawrence experimenting with the look.
It can be a tricky style to master, though – so for those of us without A-list beauty teams on hand to help, here are 10 things to know before taking the plunge.

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1. Don't try this at home
It looks sexy and effortless, but icy blonde is not a look you want to be trying to create on a whim in your bathroom. The amount of bleaching and toning could seriously damage your tresses, and professionals know how to spot this damage and minimize it. There are also a lot of steps involved in the process, making it very easy for a home job to go very wrong!

Pictured: Charlize Theron

Photo: Getty Images
2. Do your homework
Talk to your hairstylist to find out if platinum blonde will work for your skin tone, and whether you need silver undertones or ice hues, so you can avoid looking washed out.

And remember that once you've made the change, you may need to adapt your make-up shades too, as certain colors will look better.

Pictured: Kristen Stewart

Photo: Getty Images
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